Explore the features which make Tomkart with Speeder software the best solution for your go-kart track.

For the best customer experience and engagement.
Customer registration / group creation
Make the customers first experience at your go-kart track something special. Saving time and workforce. Creating customer database. Self race assignment with race groups on full HD touchscreens.
POS / ticketing
To promote a quick and positive interaction between the customer and your employee. After completing Registration, they can purchase races, merchandise, gift cards, food items and more at this kiosk. Customers can buy tickets on facility, online on your website or in the mobile App.

Speeder App - for the best customer experience
All the important information directly on your customers fingertips. Real time results, occupancy , opening hours, directions and news from your facility. Let users buy tickets, manage their profile, check ranking and statistics and share their results on social media to increase customer engagement. Powerful tool to connect your business with the customer.

Info system
To provide actual information to your customers. Informing the customers about their next race, to make sure they don’t miss the race. Ranking, promotions .... news and much more. Big screen TVs. Important information at the right place. Powerful tool to improve the customer experience. Designed to guide the customer directly to his go-kart. Drivers name on the steering wheel. (to help the race manager) Live results on your friends on the track.

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For maximum efficiency and safety on the track.
Race management
Gives your race manager the tools to efficiently manage the customers. Assign them quickly to the races and professionally run a variety of events. Our unique system of race groups is significantly cutting waiting time and maximising the occupancy of the track.
Precise timing, every time, is a core feature of our software. With our custom, first go-kart integrated timing solution you will never miss a single lap time. Simple on track timing hardware installation.

Sector control / go kart control
This tool allows you to divide your track into sectors and setup different levels of maximum speed in each sector. Your race manager can also control sector manually in real time. He can also control every single go-kart by a simple click for maximum safety on the track.

Live results
Always at the right place. Customers can see live results on big LED scoreboard directly on the track. Software sends individual results such as best lap and last lap to the info display on the steering wheel. Waiting customers can see live results on info screens across the whole facility.

Charging management and service
Always charge the batteries at the right time. Race manager can see how many races are left for every go-kart and when is time for charging to keep the lifetime of the batteries at the highest possible level. Keep the record of go-kart maintenance and usage over time to make sure all the go-karts maintain the same level of quality and keep the expenditures low. Always get notified when spare parts need to be ordered.

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Take the full control of your business.
All the important data at the right place. Statistics of sold tickets, facility occupancy, new customers, returning customers, employee performance. Great tool to overview your whole business.
Employee management
Organize your staff efficiently. Manage levels of access and roles. See statistics of your staff performance.

Event management
Group events. Our Event Management software allows you to build and run complex racing events with ranking and timing for every customer. The grid editor provides for flexibility and customization of each racing event. Facebook posting of ranking results, mobile statistics, electronic email/paper results ensures that your customers will remain engaged with your business even after the event has ended.

Provides flexible installation and support services to meet our diverse Global customer install base. We offer 24 hour support for our customers via our support phone line as well as email and online support. Our installation services include on-site installation and training as well as remote installation and training services to meet your business needs.